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Delicious Tea for a Healthy Life

Sage Tea Benefits: From Heart to Immune Health

Sage tea is a tasty herbal tisane made from the sage plant. The tea features a mildly minty flavor and a tingling taste that is perfect for tea lovers. The tea is also famous for a range of health benefits that range from support for heart health to improved immune function. Find out more about sage tea benefits with this handy guide backed by scientific research.

Sage Tea Basics

Sage tea is made from the sage plant known as Salvia officinalis. The herbal tea is made by infusing dried or fresh sage leaves in hot water. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region and is also popularly used in essential oils. To brew sage tea, it's best to use boiling water and steep the leaves for five to ten minutes. The best way to find your ideal flavor potency is t=o steep for five minutes and then taste the tisane every 30 seconds thereafter. Once you find your desired flavor, remove the tea leaves and enjoy the tasty benefits.

Health Benefits of Sage Tea

Sage tea has long been used in traditional medicine such as Ayurveda to treat a host of ailments. The tea contains high concentrations of antioxidants including flavonoids that may help to lower inflammation. The tea also contains rosmairinic acid, luteolin, thujone, and camphor, which are attributed to other benefits of sage tea.

Women's Health

Sage tea is a popular natural remedy for women's health ailments including night sweats and hot flashes caused by menopause. Research published in Advanced Therapy found that women who took sage daily found a significant decrease in excessive sweating and hot flashes within four weeks (1). A second study of menopausal women found that sage tablets worked similarly to hormones to help reduce symptoms of menopause (2).

Boosts Relaxation

Drinking herbal sage tea or simply inhaling the scent of sage oil can help to reduce stress and improve relaxation. The act of drinking tea allows you to unwind and take a step away from the chaos that may be making you feel crazy. The tea also boasts anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sore muscles and make relaxing a breeze.

Fights Free Radicals

Sage tea contains high amounts of antioxidants that naturally fight off free radicals and oxidative stress damage they cause. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that can cause cellular deterioration connected to premature aging and serious disease. Antioxidants work to prevent free radicals from entering the body and wreaking havoc.

Immune Function

Sage is a popular ingredient in natural cough drops as it can help to soothe a sore throat and boost immune response. Anti-inflammatory properties of sage tea help to reduce swelling and irritation in the throat that can cause a scratchy or sore throat. The tea also has antiviral and antibacterial properties that can fight off pathogens that make you sick.

In fact, research shows that a sage and echinacea spray was as effective at reducing pain as lidocaine — a common sore throat medication (3). If you're feeling the effects of a sore throat, drink sage tea or gargle with sage to ease symptoms and feel better fast.

Heart Health

Sage tea is used in traditional Chinese and European medicine to support a healthy heart. That's because research shows this tea may lower blood glucose levels and regulate blood pressure. In addition, sage tea may help to lower total cholesterol levels and bad LDL cholesterol levels in particular. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar levels are all risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, drinking sage tea may help to ease symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Research published in 2013 found that patients given sage extract had significant decreases in blood sugar levels and triglycerides compared to placebo (4).

Digestive Benefits

The anti-inflammatory properties of sage tea can help to streamline digestion and reduce incidences of indigestion, stomach upset, and other digestive problems. The tea contains compounds that work to decrease smooth muscle irritation that can cause bloating and cramps.

Sage tea may also help to boost weight loss results thanks to its zero calorie-composition. The tea is a great replacement for sugary soft drinks and can provide a touch of sweetness to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Side Effects of Sage tea

Sage tea may cause allergic reactions in individuals who are sensitive to the sage plant. Avoid drinking this tea if you have allergies to sage or other mint family plants.

Since sage tea mimics the effects of hormone, this tea should be avoided by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Research shows that sage tea may reduce the milk supply of breastfeeding women and may also increase the risk of miscarriage. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before drinking sage tea.

Savor Minty Flavor and Sweet Benefits With Sage Tea

Spanish sage and common sage are popular culinary herbs that can be used as herbal remedies. Fresh sage tea, sage oil, and sage extract can all be used to support immune, heart, and women's health. Heat up a pot of boiling water and brew tasty sage tea today. You, like millions of Americans, will enjoy the slightly minty flavor and the extensive health benefits.






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Erika Marty

As a digital nomad, I get to work from anywhere in the world and discover new teas every week. When I'm not working, you can find me mountain biking, hiking, and petting every stray dog I meet.